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?? [PANAMA] : Concreting activities have started on the line L2-L2B extension project! ??‍♀️ Early November, our teams in Panama started the concreting of the track on the viaduct, at the Tocumen International Airport station. This new step consists of pouring fresh concrete in order to fix the tracks. ?️ ▶️ Next step: rail wielding and completion works on the track. Stay tuned!

13 December 2021


?? [#ENVIRONMENT]: BYE BYE SMALL WASTE! Early morning warm up on the #Chelles site! ? Last Friday, our fluorescent superheroes from the #international #studies offices gathered for a #waste #collection action around the headquarters. ? ? #Congratulations to everyone for this great action! ?

13 October 2021


?? [CAMEROON]: "And it goes on and on!" ? on the #Nachtigal construction site ? A n#ewstage for our NGE CONTRACTING teams in #Cameroon! ? Work on the main dam in #BCR (Roller Compacted Concrete) started a few weeks ago now at the upstream part of the #Nachtigal worksite. This #structure will allow to cut the #Sanaga river in order to send the waters ? of the river in the #3.5km intake canal, then in the #7turbines! ? Here we go for a #1km long structure! ??

08 October 2021


?? [United Kingdom] Launch of LCR Connect at Aintree Racecourse ?? On Friday, October 1, 2021, our NGE CONTRACTING UK teams met at the #launch #event organised by #LCRCONNECT as part of the #Liverpool Backhaul #project, at the #Aintree #Racecourse. ⚡

06 October 2021


?? [MOROCCO] : ON THE WAY TO THE AGADIR FISHERIES AND AGROPOLIS PARK ?? GENERALE ROUTIERE has signed a development project for the Haliopolis Park Company. This project consists in the realization of an industrial park with a surface area of 30 hectares on a turnkey basis ‼️? Our teams are in charge of the realization of the works of VRD, drinking water conveyance, telephone and electric networks whose goal is to : ✅ divert the wadis in the vicinity ✅ collect rainwater Due to the rocky nature of the site, about twenty machines have been mobilized to accelerate the work. ? ?️ The overall progress of the project is 50%, and should be completed before the end of 2021. All our support to our teams on the ground! ?‍♂️? #Morocco #FisheriesPark #Agropole #Agadir #Site #WorksLand #OurTeamsInAction GENERALE ROUTIERE - NGE NGE CONTRACTING NGE - BTP ?? [MARRUECOS]: DE CAMINO AL PARQUE PESQUERO Y AGROPECUARIO DE AGADIR ?? GENERALE ROUTIERE ha firmado un proyecto de desarrollo para la empresa Parc Haliopolis. Este proyecto consiste en la construcción de un parque industrial de 30 hectáreas, llave en mano ‼️? Nuestros equipos se encargan de la realización de las obras de VRD, conducción de agua potable, redes telefónicas y eléctricas cuyo objetivo es : ✅ desviando los wadis cercanos ✅ recoger el agua de lluvia Debido a la naturaleza rocosa del lugar, se movilizaron unas veinte máquinas para acelerar los trabajos. ? ?️ El avance global del proyecto es del 50%, y debería estar terminado antes de finales de 2021. ¡Todo nuestro apoyo a nuestros equipos sobre el terreno! ?‍♂️? #Marruecos #ParquedelaPesca #Agropole #Agadir #Obras #Tierra #NuestrosEquiposEnAcción GENERALE ROUTIERE - NGE NGE CONTRACTING NGE - BTP

26 September 2021


?? [URUGUAY] Work continues on the #FerrocarilCentral #construction site! ?️ #Earthworks, #civilengineering, #foundations... Since the beginning of #2020, work on the #FerrocarilCentral #construction site has been progressing at a rapid pace! Since the completion of more than #60% of the #earthwork, our teams in Uruguay are currently carrying out the #sub-base and #sub-ballast layers on the different sections where the #earthwork has been completed. On the #civilengineering side, half of the #hydraulic #crossing structures and bridges have been completed. Today: ✅ #75% of piles of the two main #railwaytrenches have been completed, ✅ #40% of the #ballast required for the installation of the #railroadtrack has been produced and delivered to the various stocks on site, ✅ #45% of the #sleepers have been produced. Eventually, this new track will #connect the port of #Montevideo to the city of #PasodelosToros as well as to a new giant pulp mill. An #economic and #ecological challenge for the country on which more than #2500employees are #mobilized! ?? #Next steps: the start of the #railway and #signaling work and the completion of the large metal bridges. We're sending all our strength to our crews! ? NGE - BTP NGE CONTRACTING #Railways #CivilEngineering

06 September 2021


?? [Ivory Coast] #Construction of an #ammunitiondepot at the #43rdBIMA in #ABIDJAN : After #6months of #sitepreparation in which our teams in Ivory Coast participated to: ✅ All #earthworks (planing of #62000m3 stored in merlon on site) ?️ ✅ All #seweragenetworks (#1760ml) ? ✅ All #drynetworks (#5400ml) ?️ ✅ All the #firenetworks (#1000ml), ? The #civilengineering works for the firm tranche can start! ? In total, #650tons of #32diametersteel will be #cut, #shaped, #assembled and #welded on site and #2500m3 of #concrete, #supplied by our NGE plant in #IvoryCoast. ? We're sending all our strength to our #teams! ?‍♂️?‍♀️ NGE - BTP NGE CONTRACTING #MarineInfantryBattalion #Abidjan #IvoryCoast

03 September 2021


Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, all schools in Panama City were closed. So virtual classrooms were set up at home to ensure educational continuity. ??️ Our teams donated 16 tablets to help our staff's children and families stay connected to their schools. ??? A nice gesture, showing the company's responsible commitment! ?? #EVERYONE IN SOLIDARITY! ? #CSR #Panama #Education TSO, travaux ferroviaires NGE - BTP #TCPRAILINC #CIM

25 June 2021


?? Nachtigal dam in #Cameroon : the Civil Engineering package, built by NGE - BTP, SGTM and BESIX, is at 39% progress. Our engineer on site Guillaume Kircher also reports that last week teams closed the downstream cofferdam in order to carry out work on the tailrace, which will link the Sanaga River to the power plant. ⚡ Eventually, this facility will account for more than 30% of the country#s electricity generation capacity, providing Cameroon with a large source of decarbonized, all-weather energy to support the territory#s sustainable development. NACHTIGAL HYDRO POWER COMPANY #NGE #BTP #energy #hydro #electricity #civilengineering

24 June 2021